our Local WORK
Supporting the United Way of Greater Knoxville
For the past several years, Three3 has been supporting our local United Way with several different assessments and pilots that aim to better understand complex social issues and support community-driven solutions to those issues. The work has expanded our partnerships (and family) and shifted our approaches for community and stakeholder engagement and for advancing social justice – for which we will be forever grateful.
For the past several years, Three3 has been supporting our local United Way with several different assessments and pilots that aim to better understand complex social issues and support community-driven solutions to those issues. The work has expanded our partnerships (and family) and shifted our approaches for community and stakeholder engagement and for advancing social justice – for which we will be forever grateful.
Knoxville Community
Food Systems Assessment ThreeCubed has recently completed our multi-year support of the Knoxville-wide food systems assessment managed by the United Way of Greater Knoxville. This participatory-driven assessment involved surveys supported by many trusted, community-based organizations and change leaders, as well as alternative forms of information and people gathering to better understand people's experiences across the food system. Importantly, all the (de-identified) data and information collected will be made public for community use. The final products for this assessment include traditional reports and presentations of findings as well as a StoryMap (in current development). We also hope to communicate expressions and strategic visioning through visual language. Click here for more information from the UWGK and for the annual report. |
Knoxville Community
Bright Steps Assessment
ThreeCubed is also supporting UWGK with their early child care and eduction assessment and the on-going work of the Bright Steps Action Team. The Bright Steps action team at UWGK continually engages in needs assessment, root factor analysis, and asset mapping to understand the ever-changing needs of children and families in the communities they serve. As part of this contract work, Three3 will provide technical social science support in the forms of 1.) asset and network mapping, 2.) a series of needs assessments, and 3.) facilitation of any meeting or workshops to better understand the issues or to share knowledge.
Bright Steps Assessment
ThreeCubed is also supporting UWGK with their early child care and eduction assessment and the on-going work of the Bright Steps Action Team. The Bright Steps action team at UWGK continually engages in needs assessment, root factor analysis, and asset mapping to understand the ever-changing needs of children and families in the communities they serve. As part of this contract work, Three3 will provide technical social science support in the forms of 1.) asset and network mapping, 2.) a series of needs assessments, and 3.) facilitation of any meeting or workshops to better understand the issues or to share knowledge.
East Tennessee Collaborative
Starting in 2022, Three3 supported the UWGK and project partners with the design and equity framing of a demonstration project funded by the State of Tennessee to reimagine equitable distribution of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). The East Tennessee Collaborative (ETC) program was created to "help families overcome hurdles to reach financial independence. [...] ETC is pairing the power of relationship with financial support so families have what they need to make a positive and lasting change." Three3 continues to facilitate discussions with Mobility Mentors working directly with families to document process and to better understand what is working and how they have navigated challenges. Three3 also support the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility work underpinning the project.
Starting in 2022, Three3 supported the UWGK and project partners with the design and equity framing of a demonstration project funded by the State of Tennessee to reimagine equitable distribution of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). The East Tennessee Collaborative (ETC) program was created to "help families overcome hurdles to reach financial independence. [...] ETC is pairing the power of relationship with financial support so families have what they need to make a positive and lasting change." Three3 continues to facilitate discussions with Mobility Mentors working directly with families to document process and to better understand what is working and how they have navigated challenges. Three3 also support the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility work underpinning the project.
Summer 2022 – Summer 2024
Health Equity Portraits
Three3 is partnering with the University of Tennessee Medical Center (UTMC) to develop county level health equity portraits for stakeholders and communities to use for policy and program-making. The study includes the compiling of health and well-being metrics and indicators into a database that will help characterize the historical context around the state of health for the area, as well as the social determinants or drivers of health outcomes. Focus groups were held in 17 counties (reaching over 140 individuals) in East Tennessee to inform the development of the health equity portraits. Stakeholder surveys (119) were administered and stakeholder interviews (22) were completed. Health Equity Portraits are organized into 3 sections: 1.) characterization of the population and geographical area, 2.) a portrait on population health (including statistics on health and social disparities) and access to healthcare, and 3.) a picture on the social determinants of health (e.g., unemployment, housing insecurity). The primary objective is to provide useful information to individuals and organizations working and living in the target areas, as well as UTMC staff delivering services in those target areas, and to better understand community health inequities and their social determinants. A publicly available database – to be published during 2024 –contains ~ 10,000 data points on metrics and indicators related to health and social determinant of health outcomes.
Health Equity Portraits
Three3 is partnering with the University of Tennessee Medical Center (UTMC) to develop county level health equity portraits for stakeholders and communities to use for policy and program-making. The study includes the compiling of health and well-being metrics and indicators into a database that will help characterize the historical context around the state of health for the area, as well as the social determinants or drivers of health outcomes. Focus groups were held in 17 counties (reaching over 140 individuals) in East Tennessee to inform the development of the health equity portraits. Stakeholder surveys (119) were administered and stakeholder interviews (22) were completed. Health Equity Portraits are organized into 3 sections: 1.) characterization of the population and geographical area, 2.) a portrait on population health (including statistics on health and social disparities) and access to healthcare, and 3.) a picture on the social determinants of health (e.g., unemployment, housing insecurity). The primary objective is to provide useful information to individuals and organizations working and living in the target areas, as well as UTMC staff delivering services in those target areas, and to better understand community health inequities and their social determinants. A publicly available database – to be published during 2024 –contains ~ 10,000 data points on metrics and indicators related to health and social determinant of health outcomes.
Fall 2023 – Summer 2024
Housing Needs Assessment
Three3 will be supported the Knoxville Community Development Corporation's needs assessment of its Section 8 voucher holders. A survey has been sent out to over 3,000 voucher holders across the Knoxville area to better understand needs related to housing, transportation, food and other basic essentials.
Housing Needs Assessment
Three3 will be supported the Knoxville Community Development Corporation's needs assessment of its Section 8 voucher holders. A survey has been sent out to over 3,000 voucher holders across the Knoxville area to better understand needs related to housing, transportation, food and other basic essentials.
Summer 2023 – Winter 2024
Healthy Brain Initiative
Three3 recently supported the Knox County Health Department (KCHD) on their Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map Strategists Program. This program was possible through a financial award granted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. As a part of this effort, Three3 partnered with local support groups and community centers to organize focus group discussions with adults living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and other forms of dementia. We also led focus groups with those who provide familial care and support for adults living with MCI. This project provided insights for policy and program makers at KCHD and for practitioners and professionals working to advance MCI and Alzheimer's health and well-being outcomes.
Healthy Brain Initiative
Three3 recently supported the Knox County Health Department (KCHD) on their Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map Strategists Program. This program was possible through a financial award granted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. As a part of this effort, Three3 partnered with local support groups and community centers to organize focus group discussions with adults living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and other forms of dementia. We also led focus groups with those who provide familial care and support for adults living with MCI. This project provided insights for policy and program makers at KCHD and for practitioners and professionals working to advance MCI and Alzheimer's health and well-being outcomes.
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
Refugee Housing Needs Assessment
Three3 led the design and implementation of a report documenting the multiple challenges and approaches for securing sustainable housing solutions for newly arriving refugees as they resettle in the United States. This needs study, conducted by Bridge Refugee Services and Three3 aimed to assess the challenges associated with refugee access to affordable and adequate housing in the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas of Tennessee. The study was funded by the Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM). To achieve this goal, Bridge and Three3 designed and then administered semi-structured interviews to four distinct groups to gain multiple perspectives on refugee housing: Stakeholders across EMM Affiliate Sites, Affordable Housing Stakeholders, Landlord 'Willing' to Rent to Refugees, and Tenants who are Refugees.
Refugee Housing Needs Assessment
Three3 led the design and implementation of a report documenting the multiple challenges and approaches for securing sustainable housing solutions for newly arriving refugees as they resettle in the United States. This needs study, conducted by Bridge Refugee Services and Three3 aimed to assess the challenges associated with refugee access to affordable and adequate housing in the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas of Tennessee. The study was funded by the Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM). To achieve this goal, Bridge and Three3 designed and then administered semi-structured interviews to four distinct groups to gain multiple perspectives on refugee housing: Stakeholders across EMM Affiliate Sites, Affordable Housing Stakeholders, Landlord 'Willing' to Rent to Refugees, and Tenants who are Refugees.
our local Energy + CLimate ACtion work
Winter 2024 – Summer 2025
Knoxville Area Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Planning
The City of Knoxville, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization, and other jurisdictions within the Knoxville Metropolitan Statistical Area have entered into a collaboration to develop a (recently published) Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and (to be drafted) Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) required by their EPA awarded Carbon Pollution Reduction Grant (CRRG). ICF, an international known consulting firm, will assist this team by inventorying greenhouse gas emissions in the Knoxville region. ICF has subcontracted with Three3 to provide local consultation services and possible data collection and support with particular focus on low-income, disadvantaged communities (LIDAC) engagement and analysis.
Knoxville Area Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Planning
The City of Knoxville, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization, and other jurisdictions within the Knoxville Metropolitan Statistical Area have entered into a collaboration to develop a (recently published) Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and (to be drafted) Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) required by their EPA awarded Carbon Pollution Reduction Grant (CRRG). ICF, an international known consulting firm, will assist this team by inventorying greenhouse gas emissions in the Knoxville region. ICF has subcontracted with Three3 to provide local consultation services and possible data collection and support with particular focus on low-income, disadvantaged communities (LIDAC) engagement and analysis.
Winter 2023 – Winter 2024
Community Engagement and Education Strategies for Knoxville Utilities Board
During calendar year 2023, SEEED, SACE, Three3 and the Harvey Broome Group (HBG) of the Sierra Club TN assisted Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) with conducting community outreach to identify and help recruit eligible households into KUB’s weatherization program(s). In doing so, the Partners designed a community engagement strategy for KUB for both immediate recruitment needs and for enrollment needs and educational outreach moving forward. The Partners envisioned a strategy that was targeted, inclusive, and grounded in principles of energy justice so that those households living in energy inefficient housing and struggling with utility affordability have access to weatherization services. The scope of work involved two primary task areas: 1.) Initial Community Engagement and Planning and 2.) Community Outreach, Education, Enrollment. SEEED took the lead on conducting a series of community-centric, monthly workshops between April and November 2023. The workshops targeted energy and water conservation strategies and utility bill education. Outputs and outcomes from the workshops were tracked to evaluate the effectiveness of communication, outreach, and education strategies. A detailed logic model and plan for measuring outcomes included metrics and indicators related to number of households reached and efficacy of energy education workshops. Two surveys were used to help characterize the population served through the workshops, and to capture who participated as well as their feedback on the workshops. These data collection efforts aimed to better understand the needs of those most impacted by utility insecurity and those living in inefficient and unhealthy housing. Outreach efforts revealed motivations and barriers for participation in programs; and provided recommendations for program improvement and communication strategies.
Community Engagement and Education Strategies for Knoxville Utilities Board
During calendar year 2023, SEEED, SACE, Three3 and the Harvey Broome Group (HBG) of the Sierra Club TN assisted Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) with conducting community outreach to identify and help recruit eligible households into KUB’s weatherization program(s). In doing so, the Partners designed a community engagement strategy for KUB for both immediate recruitment needs and for enrollment needs and educational outreach moving forward. The Partners envisioned a strategy that was targeted, inclusive, and grounded in principles of energy justice so that those households living in energy inefficient housing and struggling with utility affordability have access to weatherization services. The scope of work involved two primary task areas: 1.) Initial Community Engagement and Planning and 2.) Community Outreach, Education, Enrollment. SEEED took the lead on conducting a series of community-centric, monthly workshops between April and November 2023. The workshops targeted energy and water conservation strategies and utility bill education. Outputs and outcomes from the workshops were tracked to evaluate the effectiveness of communication, outreach, and education strategies. A detailed logic model and plan for measuring outcomes included metrics and indicators related to number of households reached and efficacy of energy education workshops. Two surveys were used to help characterize the population served through the workshops, and to capture who participated as well as their feedback on the workshops. These data collection efforts aimed to better understand the needs of those most impacted by utility insecurity and those living in inefficient and unhealthy housing. Outreach efforts revealed motivations and barriers for participation in programs; and provided recommendations for program improvement and communication strategies.
Summer 2022 – Summer 2023
U.S. DOE Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize
Three3 partnered with local workforce nonprofit, Socially Equally Energy Efficient Development (SEEED) on an inclusive energy innovation project that focused on procedural and distributive justice in the development of a just energy ecosystem. The first objective was to inspire and increase participation in clean energy and climate-smart job training. It also focused on economic advancement for the disadvantaged young people in the underresourced and disinvested neighborhoods served by SEEED. This U.S. Department of Energy Prize provided the funds to work with the community to envision a just energy workforce transition. This effort entailed conducting a series of stakeholder interviews with leaders and organizations in this space including TVA, ORNL, Sierra Club, and East TN Clean Fuels. The project also featured a first-of its- kind futures literacy laboratory (FLL) that drew over 60 individuals from the community to the Beck Center, known for its collections on African American history in East Tennessee, to discuss just energy futures. We intend to build ‘futures literacy’ into our community engagement work to help communities, groups, and individuals consider future generations in their solution-making to address critical issues across sectors.
U.S. DOE Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize
Three3 partnered with local workforce nonprofit, Socially Equally Energy Efficient Development (SEEED) on an inclusive energy innovation project that focused on procedural and distributive justice in the development of a just energy ecosystem. The first objective was to inspire and increase participation in clean energy and climate-smart job training. It also focused on economic advancement for the disadvantaged young people in the underresourced and disinvested neighborhoods served by SEEED. This U.S. Department of Energy Prize provided the funds to work with the community to envision a just energy workforce transition. This effort entailed conducting a series of stakeholder interviews with leaders and organizations in this space including TVA, ORNL, Sierra Club, and East TN Clean Fuels. The project also featured a first-of its- kind futures literacy laboratory (FLL) that drew over 60 individuals from the community to the Beck Center, known for its collections on African American history in East Tennessee, to discuss just energy futures. We intend to build ‘futures literacy’ into our community engagement work to help communities, groups, and individuals consider future generations in their solution-making to address critical issues across sectors.
Spring 2020 – Spring 2021
City of Knoxville’s Mayor’s Climate Council (MCC): Equity Working Group
The City of Knoxville’s Office of Sustainability contracted with Three3 to convene and facilitate an Equity Working Group comprised of community organizations and change leaders in Knoxville, TN. The EWG was tasked with developing an approach for reviewing and evaluating climate solutions proposed by the MCC using a justice-oriented screening tool. The process involved stakeholder interviews to better understand motivations and expectation. Over the course of several months, an equity screening tool was developed based on what group member values and priorities for advancing social outcomes for the communities and populations they served. Two surveys were also developed and administered by committee members to fill knowledge gaps related to energy burden and walkability/bikeability perceptions. The final screening of climate strategies was incorporated in Knoxville’s PCAP submitted to EPA. The project was funding through a Partner for Places grant from the Funders Network.
City of Knoxville’s Mayor’s Climate Council (MCC): Equity Working Group
The City of Knoxville’s Office of Sustainability contracted with Three3 to convene and facilitate an Equity Working Group comprised of community organizations and change leaders in Knoxville, TN. The EWG was tasked with developing an approach for reviewing and evaluating climate solutions proposed by the MCC using a justice-oriented screening tool. The process involved stakeholder interviews to better understand motivations and expectation. Over the course of several months, an equity screening tool was developed based on what group member values and priorities for advancing social outcomes for the communities and populations they served. Two surveys were also developed and administered by committee members to fill knowledge gaps related to energy burden and walkability/bikeability perceptions. The final screening of climate strategies was incorporated in Knoxville’s PCAP submitted to EPA. The project was funding through a Partner for Places grant from the Funders Network.